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NPCCC Membership

Posted almost 12 years ago by Debra Biasi

To All;

September is fast approaching and I will be reminding you to renew your membership. There were some issues with pay pal which will be ironed out prior to our membership drive, possibly a demonstration of some kind.  Long standing members had no difficulty using pay pal. The option of mailing checks to our post office box remains. This is my personal preference.

This year, if you do not renew your membership, you will be removed from the membership list and will not be notified of upcoming dinner meetings. Too many people RSVP to meetings who are not current on their dues, and/or do not attend. This prevents members who are current on their membership dues, from attending these meetings.

NPCCC needs the support of all of you. Our fees are reasonable and you are supporting your local professional organization.

Thank you for your continued support.

Deb Biasi MS, ARNP-BC