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News from Marketing Representative

Posted over 10 years ago by Doreen Cassarino

Hello Everyone! As we prepare for the future in light of healthcare reform, we believe a vital need in our Community is to help educate and inform patients, physicians, and our fellow Nurse Practitioner Colleagues about we do. With a physician shortage on the horizon, Nurse Practitioners will be in demand more than ever. We need to be ready to offer our valuable services. As your Marketing Representative for the NP Council of Collier, the Board has given approval for me to compile a list of Nurse Practitioners in our area who are willing to accept new patients. This list will be prepared and distributed on your behalf at NP Council sponsored events in the Community with a goal of increasing our visibility and providing options for patients and providers. If you are interested in including your name on this list, please email me the following information:

. Your name and credentials
. Address of your practice
. Phone number for patients 
. Specialties
. Insurance you accept 
. Anything significant you feel is imporant to include in the listing

With season upon us, there are several key events that we can participate in within Collier County. If you are interested in having your name/practice included in this listing, please email me the above information no later than Monday, January 13, 2014. Time to showcase what we do! Our Community needs us.

Thank you!
Denise McNulty