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Posted about 8 years ago by Doreen Cassarino


We need your help! Legislation that would allow nurse practitioners to prescribe controlled substances is in major trouble at the state Capitol! We have only three days to convince members of the Senate to take up and pass the bills.

Please call or email Senate President Andy Gardiner and your state Senator NOW and ask them to vote for ARNP prescribing legislation (we are unable to provide bill numbers at this time). The House passed the legislation in a near unanimous vote already.

A sample letter is below.

Email for Senator Gardiner:

You can find the contact information for your local Senator at Click on the Senators tab and pull down the menu Find Your Legislator.

You can make a difference in whether this legislation passes by Friday night!

Dear Senator____________

We urge you to vote for ARNP prescribing legislation. Florida has shortages of physicians and many people are unable to receive needed medications, especially in rural areas. These medications include psychiatric medications, seizure medications, prescription cough medications, diarrhea medications, hormone medications and pain medications.

Often, an ARNP is the only available medical provider in the rural and underserved areas of our state. Patients who need these medications are forced to go to emergency rooms or travel great distances just for a prescription. Hospice patients too, often wait hours for medications.

Please pass the ARNP prescribing legislation. Florida citizens need improved access to healthcare.
